Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Designing a program like Gazelle is far more involved than you might think. However, the difficulty is not writing code, it is in keeping it as simple as possible. At the core of any great program is simplicity.
Think about it, if you had to babysit a herd of rabbits:
- Would you rather it be 1 Million rabbits or 10,000?
- Would you rather they be male or female?
- Would you rather them be large or small?
No doubt, keeping track of a herd of rabbits is a monumental task. However you answer the questions above – “less” – is always going to be the right answer.
One of the biggest assets Luke and Nathan bring to Gazelle is this, they are sticklers for writing simple code. After all, they have to babysit the herd of rabbits they are developing. When they get the call to fix a bug, they don’t want to trip over 1 Million bunnies any more than you do.
Luke and Nathan are not contractors, they are the foundation of this company. And because they will be supporting Gazelle for the long haul, they are working hard to keep it as simple as possible.
The next time you see them, feel free to ask how their code bunnies are doing:)