
News and Updates from the Gazelle Team

Learning Aural Tuning – Online Resource

Teaching a skill and learning it are two very different things. However, both require time most busy business owners don’t have. Training yourself (or your team) cannot be overlooked which is why Gazelle is excited to provide a NEW ‘Learning Aural Tuning’ technical resource in partnership with

This new online resource has over 5+ hours of content and $699 of value at a fraction of the price! Save hundreds by being one of the first people to get access to this new resource ($199 for Gazelle & PianoScope subscribers) $299 for the general public.

All Proceeds From This Resource Are Being Donated To The Piano Technicians Guild Foundation (PTGF) and trade groups around the globe to fund scholarships, exams, and in-person training opportunities for piano technicians.

Learning Aural Tuning – Overview

Benefit from decades of aural tuning knowledge distilled into 5+ hours of in-depth aural tuning lessons taught by Timothy Barnes, RPT; an aural technician with 20+ years of piano service experience in this trade.

5+ hours of in-depth lessons & content

14 lessons valued over $699 at a fraction of the price!

*$199 for Gazelle & PianoScope customers; $299 for the general public. All proceeds from this resource are being donated to the Piano Technicians Guild Foundation (PTGF) to fund scholarships, exams, and in-person educational opportunities.

Topics covered include:

5 introduction lessons for beginners.

Intro: What is a beat? 
Intro: What is a harmonic?
Intro: What is inharmonicity?
Intro: What is a cent vs. Hz?
Intro: What is an aural temperament?

14 in depth lessons for mastering aural skills.

Lesson #1: Aural partials & harmonics. 
Lesson #2: Identifying partials in a single note.
Lesson #3: Identifying coincident partials in any interval.
Lesson #4: Unison tuning with partials.
Lesson #5: Understanding octave coincident partials and tests.
Lesson #6: Understanding 5th coincident partials and tests. 
Lesson #7: Understanding 4th coincident partials and tests. 
Lesson #8: Understanding 3rds and using faster beating intervals. 
Lesson #9: Aurally setting A=440 to the fork (or tone source).
Lesson #10: Setting up your temperament
Lesson #11: Tuning a two octave temperament using slow beating intervals.
Lesson #12: Tuning a two octave temperament using fast beating intervals.
Lesson #13: Tuning a one octave temperament.
Lesson #14: Gaining speed and efficiency in your temperament.

5+ hours of in-depth lessons & content

14 lessons valued over $699 at a fraction of the price!

*$199 for Gazelle & PianoScope customers; $299 for the general public. All proceeds from this resource are being donated to the Piano Technicians Guild Foundation (PTGF) and trade groups around the globe to fund scholarships, exams, and in-person educational opportunities.

Meet your guide to learning better aural skills:

This online resource is taught by Timothy Barnes, RPT who is an aural technician with over 20+ years experience working as a piano technician, a concert technician, a college and university technician (CAUT), and someone who made the journey from being an ETD only technician to an aural technician in the middle of his career. He originally founded, The Well-Loved Piano Company where he made mentoring others an important part of his career. After co-founding Gazelle in 2015 he is now dedicating his career to helping piano technicians grow their business and their careers in over 36 countries!

5+ hours of in-depth lessons & content

14 lessons valued over $699 at a fraction of the price!

*$199 for Gazelle & PianoScope customers; $299 for the general public. All proceeds from this resource are being donated to the Piano Technicians Guild Foundation (PTGF) and trade groups around the globe to fund scholarships, exams, and in-person educational opportunities.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Developing a solid working understanding of all the foundational skills required for high-level aural tuning is going to impact every part of your life as a piano technician. You will become more efficient with ETD skills, your voicing skills will improve, your diagnostic skills will improve, and if you are searching for a mentor it will become easier to find one because you will not be asking them to teach you everything they know from the ground up … but more than all of this there is a confidence you cannot fake when you stand in front of a client, look them in the eye and assure them “I understand everything needed to make your piano sound amazing!”. If after going through all 14 of these lessons in this resource you are not convinced it was worth everything you paid, we will issue a refund so you can invest your educational dollars elsewhere.

We look forward to joining you on your aural journey and will be donating all the proceeds from this resource to the Piano Technicians Guild foundation and trade groups around the globe to fund scholarships, in-person educational opportunities.

Over 5+ hours of in-depth lessons & content

14 lessons valued over $699 at a fraction of the price!

*$199 for Gazelle & PianoScope customers; $299 for the general public. All proceeds from this resource are being donated to the Piano Technicians Guild Foundation (PTGF) and trade groups around the globe to fund scholarships, exams, and in-person educational opportunities.

In Memory of Dale Probst, RPT ( 1951-2017)

Several decades ago I was a young piano technician without a mentor. This was in the early days of the internet before Youtube and I was struggling to find training and get traction in my career as a freelance piano technician. I didn’t have a much to work with so hard work, determination, studying pictures in a book, and a dedication to gain more experience was all I had to offer the world. Dale Probst, RPT (1951-2017) was one of the people in my life who pulled me aside at a PTG convention and said “Timothy, I see something in you. I don’t have a lot to offer because I live 20+ hours away from you. However, if you ever need anything please pick up the phone and call, I will do what I can to help.” When Dale passed in 2017 and his wife Elizabeth Ward, RPT gifted me his ‘PTG convention’ hat. I have big shoes to fill but thankfully our heads were the same size! So if you see me wearing a teal fedora on opening night of a PTG convention, it is in honor of my friend Dale Probst, RPT who inspired me to keep going in this trade at a time when I was discouraged and questioned whether I should give up.

Timothy Barnes, RPT

Published on July 25, 2023