Happy New Year… change the batteries in your smoke detectors and back up your database… but at Gazelle we already backed up your data… over 8,000 times last year alone.
Here is a little piece of boring but super important info about how seriously Gazelle takes data security.
Every change you make in Gazelle is instantly copied to multiple servers in separate locations. We provide you triple redundancy protection 24/7. Our servers are housed in earthquake, flood, and hurricane proof facilities each with their own power supply. If a server goes down the secondary becomes the primary and a new one is automatically brought online in a different location.
But this is not enough, every hour we take a back up of the entire database, encrypt it, and ship it to Sydney Australia and Portland Oregon. We have never needed these back ups but they are there so that your data will be protected even if a level 5 natural disaster happens to simultaneously hit all 3 of our primary server locations.
Bottom line: we take our job seriously and plan for things you never thought about so that you don’t have to think about them.
Simplify your life and focus on the things you love!
Happy New Year